Jan 26, 2021
Jessica makes choices for Trish without her knowledge. Trish makes a DIY scratching post. Malcolm’s arc reaches its conclusion. Erik has some ragerts. Everything’s coming up Jeri.
This episode contains:
Jan 22, 2021
Enjoy listening to us talk over Emma Stone’s star-making role in the 2010 high school comedy Easy A. Despite being only eleven years old, we dissect some of the more illogical and problematic aspects of the movie and decide it would not be made in its current form today. You should still watch for the best on-screen...
Jan 12, 2021
Note: We spoil the twist ending of this episode almost immediately.
Jessica and Trish flex their investigative muscles. Jeri does not know that Zaya knows what Malcolm knows. Dorothy actually helps. Gillian takes a break.
This episode contains:
Jan 5, 2021
Whatever despicability Jeri was up to is quickly revealed. The “female vigilante” Jessica Jones is at it again. Trish demonstrates really good bad acting. Malcolm’s character trajectory changes. Zaya does not have genital warts.
This episode contains: